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'''Jeffrey Bardon''' first joined the [[Chip's Challenge]] community back in 2007, having first played [[Chip's Challenge 1|the original levels]] around 10 years prior. Upon discovering that [[level editor]]s and custom [[level set]]s existed, he quickly began designing his own. At the time, there was no interest in [[optimization]], though this has since changed. Near the end of 2007, Jeffrey took a long hiatus from the game, going back every once a while over the next 6 years, but eventually returning in early 2014, 2 months before the release of [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1|CCLP1]], unfortunately missing out on submitting levels for the pack.

Jeffrey was one of the [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 4|CCLP4]] staff co-leaders alongside [[Josh Lee]].
My Twisted World The Story of Elliot Rodger By Elliot Rodger Introduction Humanity...All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women. It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me.This is the story of how I, Elliot Rodger, came to be. This is the story of my entire life. It is a dark story of sadness, anger, and hatred. It is a story of a war against cruel injustice. In this magnificent story, I will disclose every single detail about my life, every single significant experience that I have pulled from my superior memory, as well as how those experiences have shaped my views of the world. This tragedy did not have to happen. I didn’t want things to turn out this way, but humanity forced my hand, and this story will explain why. My life didn’t start out dark and twisted. I started out as a happy and blissful child, living my life to the fullest in a world I thought was good and pure...Part One A Blissful Beginning Age 0-5On the morning of July 24th, 1991,in a London hospital,I was born. I breathed in the first breath of life as I entered this world, weighing only 5.4 pounds.My parents must have been filled with happiness and pride that day. They had just witnessed the birth of their first child, and they named me Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger.I was born to young parents. My father, Peter Rodger, was only26 when he impregnated my mother, Chin, who was 30. Peter is of British descent, hailing from the prestigious Rodger family;a family that was once part of the wealthy upper classes before the lost all of their fortune during the Great Depression.My father’s father, George Rodger, was a renowned photojournalist who had taken very famous photographs during the Second World War, though he failed to reacquire the family’s lost fortune.My mother is of Chinese descent. She was born in Malaysia, and moved to England at a young age to work as a nurse on several film sets, where she became friends with very important individuals in the film industry, including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.She even dated George Lucas for a short time.My mother and father had been married for a couple of years before my mother became pregnant with me. In fact, her pregnancy was an accident. She had been taking pills to prevent pregnancy, but when she visited my father on one of his film sets, she fell ill and the medication she took for that illness thwarted the effect of the anti-pregnancy pills, and so their lovemaking during this period resulted in my life.Only a couple of months after my birth, I went on my first vacation. My parents took me on a boat to France. I was already a traveler! Of course, I have no memories of this trip. My mother said that I cried a lot.
At the time that I was born, my mother and father were living in a house in London, but shortly after my birth they decided to move to the countryside. We moved to a large house made of red brick in the county of Sussex, with vast grass fields surrounding it. The house even had a name:The Old Rectory. This was where I spent my early childhood, the first five years of my life, and it was beautiful. The memories I have of this period are only memories of happiness and bliss.My father was a professional photographer at the time, just in the stage of becoming a director. My mother gave up her nursing career to stay at home and look after me. My grandma on my mother’s side, who I would call Ah Mah, moved in with us to help out my mother. I would spend a lot of time with Ah Mah during these years.This was a time of discovery, excitement, and fun. I had just entered this new world, and I knew nothing of the pain it would bring me later on. I enjoyed life with innocent bliss. I can remember playing in the fields and going on long walks with Ah Mah to pick berries. She would always warn me not to touch the stinging nettles that sometimes grew in our fields, but my curiosity got the better of me, and I got stung a few times. There was a swing in the back of our yard, which I had many good times on.The first birthday I remember was my 3rdbirthday. My parents threw a party for me in our field. I had a helicopter birthday cake. I can remember one of my friend’s parents cutting off the first piece and giving it to my friend. I threw a tantrum because I was expecting to get the first piece... It was my birthday after all. My father bought me a toy tractor that I could ride around in, and I would play with it all the time after that.Sometime after my 3rdbirthday, we all went on a vacation to Malaysia, my mother’s home country. I have only flashes of memory of that vacation. I enjoyed it very much. We visited a few of my mother’s relatives.For preschool, I was enrolled at Dorsett House, an upscale all-boys private school in the countryside, near where we lived. I was forced to wear a uniform, which I hated because I had to wear uncomfortable socks up to my knees. I was very nervous and I cried on my first day there. I can remember two friends I made by name, George and David. I would always play in the sandpit with them.I didn’t like school at Dorsett House very much. I found the rules to be too strict.My least favorite part of it was the football sessions. I never understood the game and I could never keep up with the other boys in the field, so I always stood by the goal-keeper and pretended to be the “second goal-keeper”. My favorite part was playing in the woods after lunch. There was a particular climbing structure that I had a lot of fun with.My preschool class once went on a field trip to the park,where I had the misfortune of getting lost. As my class was eating lunch, I ventured off to another area of the park, and when I returned, my class had moved on. I remember panicking and asking strangers for help.It was a terrifying experience for me.I was eventually led to my class by the strangers I talked to.I remember one funny incident when we were taking school pictures. They forced us to sit cross-legged, which I hated doing, so I absolutely refused to sit that way for the picture. The teachers eventually conceded, and the picture was taken with me being the only one sitting differently.The holiday season was the best part of the year for me. It must have been very cold in England, but I don’t remember the cold. I just remember how much fun I had. I was filled with joy when it started snowing outside –I loved playing in the snow. My father helped me build a snowman once. We would start with little snowballs, and roll them around our field until we formed the body, and then we would decorate it.During Christmas, my parents always had parties and gatherings.My father’s best friend, Christopher Bess, who was also my godfather, came to our house frequently.We would often go to my father’s parent’s house in Smarden, Kent. I would call my grandmother on my father’s side “grandma Jinx”. My
memories of my grandfather,George Rodger,are faint; he had fallen very ill at this period. My father’s brother, uncle Jonny, had a son one year younger than me,who was named George, after my grandfather. I always played games with cousin George in grandma Jinx’s garden.The two of us got along well.On New Year’s Eve our neighbors once set up a bonfire party in the field next to our house. I was fascinated by how big the fire was. I had never seen anything like it, and it astounded my little mind. This was also the first time I saw fireworks.My father gave me one of those sparklers to play with, which I was enraptured by. There was one very special place that my father would often take me to. It was at the top of a range of beautiful rolling hills that I termed the “London Hills”, because I thought that London was on the other side of them. We would go there to fly kites. I can remember these experiences vividly. The hills were full of tall straw-like grass, and the weather was always windy –perfect for kite flying. It was a time of utmost happiness and joy for me. My father taught me to fly a kite by myself. The wind was so strong that I feared it would lift up my frail little body and carry me into the clouds. Once I got the hang of it, it was exhilarating. We would fly our kites together and run with the wind. I will never forget that place.My favorite childhood film was The Land Before Time. I used to watch that movie all the time with Ah Mah. It was about a baby dinosaur named Little foot who had just lost his mother and was journeying through a dangerous world to find the “Great Valley”, a land of prosperity and peace. I remember the feeling of utter sadness I felt during the scene when his mother died, and the triumphant and happy emotions that swept over me when he finally discovered the Great Valley, after going through all the hardship to get there. I watched this movie so many times that just thinking about it brings the emotions back. It was a big part of my childhood.Already a world traveler, I went on a trip to Spain with my parents and my parent’s friends Patrick and Lupe. It was the fourth country I’ve been to at such a young age. We stayed in an exquisite castle-like house that I believe was owned by a friend of ours. The house had a tower that I was extremely curious about. At one point, my parents and their friends ventured up to the top of it, but they made me stay below because I was too young. I was sorely disappointed. As they were climbing the tower I went outside to look at the cacti surrounding the house. These cacti also sparked my curiosity, and I foolishly decided to touch a cactus. I ended up getting cactus needles all over my hand, and it took a long time for my mother to remove them.Shortly after my trip to Spain, we went on another trip to Greece. We stayed at a hotel near the beach. It was very hot there. The weather was new to me, as I was used to the cold British climate. The trip to Greece was significant because during this time, my father received the news of the death of my grandfather George Rodger. He died of natural causes on my4thbirthday, at the age of 87.It was the first experience I had of the death of a close relative, and the first time I saw my father cry. My 4 year old self could not imagine my father ever crying, and so when I saw him cry that day, I knew how shaken he was. It was a very sad day for all of us.We immediately flew home.I believe that it was during the time after my 4thbirthday that my father came to the decision to eventually move to the United States. As he was just becoming a director, he believed Los Angeles would offer more opportunities. We took a short trip to California to gain an initial look at it.I don’t remember much of this trip, but I do remember having a good time. At the age of 4, I, Elliot Rodger, had already been to six different countries. Who can claim that, eh? The United Kingdom, France, Spain, Greece, Malaysia, and the United States.
It was also during this time that my mother became pregnant again. I was going to have a sibling. My parents decided to have another baby, this pregnancy being planned, so that I can have a sibling to grow up with. We later discovered it was going to be a girl.Before my 5thbirthday, my mother went into labor to deliver the baby. I can remember the night vividly. I was very ill that night, a bad omen. I stayed at home with Ah Mah while my mother and father were at the hospital, and we watched movies together. I was fraught with anticipation the whole time. And then my parents came back late in the night, and with them they brought a little black-haired baby wrapped in a bundle. I had a baby sister, and they named her Georgia.I have no memories of what happened on my 5thbirthday. Shortly after it, we were making plans to permanently move to the United States. The news excited me, but I was sad at the prospect of leaving my life in England behind. My father took a short trip to the U.S. by himself to scout out houses. I remember talking on the phone to him while he was there. He told me he found a very nice house for us to move to. I asked him if it had a swimming pool, and he said it did. This news made me very happy.And then the time came. We started packing everything up at the Old Rectory. On my last day at Dorsett House school, my teacher was giving all of us candies when my mother came to pick me up early. I said goodbye to all the friends I had there. That was the last time I saw them.My father was given the offer to buy the Old Rectory for about 400,000 Pounds (we were only renting it at the time), but he declined, a decision he would regret later on, as it would have been a worthy investment.I cried as we drove away from the Old Rectory. All the experiences I had there; playing in the fields, driving my toy tractor, tending to my garden, going on walks with Ah Mah, swinging on the swing;all those experiences were gone. I was about to start a new life. We boarded the plane and took off to America.Part 2Growing up in America Age 5-9The plane ride was like a dimension between worlds. I was about to enter a whole new world. A whole new life. But none of that went through my little 5 year old head at the time. I slept for most of the journey there, and I can remember looking out the window at the vast stretch of clouds below us. I wondered what it would be like to go down there and run along them as if they were a landmass, not thinking about the fact that I would fall right through! When we arrived in America, I was very tired. We collected our luggage and loaded them onto a new SUV that my father rented. The image of us driving out of the airport is still fresh in my mind. I often think of it as my first step into my new life in the U.S.I was so sleepy when we reached our new house that I didn’t even bother to look around yet. The house was partly furnished, and we already had a sofa and a television. The first thing we did was watch a movie. The movie was Independence Day, and I fell asleep at some parts, but managed to watch most of the movie.In the morning I was full of energy. I eagerly clamored up the stairs to search for my new room. I looked at all the rooms before singling out the one that I wanted as mine. When I told my mother about my decision, she told me that the room I picked was meant to be my sister Georgia’s room. I got a bit upset, but eventually settled for the room next to it.The house was quite big, with white walls and a beautiful backyard that led to a gated swimming pool area. It was located in an upscale part of Woodland Hills. The town of Woodland Hills has great
significance in my life. It would be the town that I grow up in. A large portion of all my life experiences, good and bad, would take place in this town. I can recall the first time I said the name on my lips... Woodland Hills... my new hometown.Soon after settling into our lovely new home, we were disturbed by a problem typical of California: An earthquake. My mother woke me up in the middle of the night, and we all hid under the kitchen table. The earthquake actually turned out to be very small, with even smaller aftershocks following it, but I was still scared. Having never experienced an earthquake before, the only impression I had of earthquakes were the huge, land rupturing earthquakes I saw in The Land Before Time. After this experience, I began to see earthquakes as common, minor disturbances.And there I was, a young 5 year old boy who has so far lived a happy and joyful life about to embark on a new journey; the journey of growing up in the United States of America. I felt a surge of enthusiasm at the prospect. I now considered myself an “American kid”, as I told my parents. I got accustomed to all the American T.V. shows, and I started to adopt an American accent.I was looking forward to my new life.Soon enough, I was enrolled in school. My father did some extensive school-searching after our arrival, and he found a small private school on Shoup Avenue named Pinecrest. I was to attend kindergarten there. Pinecrest... My 5-year-old self at the time could not imagine how significant this place will eventually become for me. A great turning point of my life will eventually take place there, a tragic turn for the worse. But that will come later, in a darker chapter of my story, when I enter my pre-teen years. For now, I was a kindergartener who was enjoying life to the fullest.Kindergarten at Pinecrest didn’t turn out so well. I had a very unpleasant teacher who was impatient with how far behind I was in my schoolwork, as I had missed a couple months of school due to the move. During playtime, this teacher would keep me in the classroom to do extra work in order to catch up. My parents didn’t like this teacher, and one of their friends recommended another school for me, a private school nearby named Farm School; it was named after the farm that was attached to it. After only a couple of weeks at Pinecrest, my parents took me out of it, and I would not return again until I go there for Middle School six years later.My first day at farm school turned out to be a good start. I had two teachers, and they made an effort to introduce me to the other kids. There was one particular boy named Joey who they assigned to show me around. He was nice to me at first, but would soon turn out to be a rotten little prick who I would always get into fights with.He then became my greatest enemy at the school.The first real friend I made in the United States was a girl named Maddy Humphreys. Isn’t that ironic? The first friend I made in the United States was a girl! She was the first female friend I’ve ever had, and she would be the last. Maddy and I started playing together at Farm School, and eventually my parents became very good friends with her parents. Maddy’s father is the famous British musician Paul Humpreys, and her mother is named Maureen, though we would call her Mo. They had a nice house in Hidden Hills. Our families got together often to have barbeques and dinners.I was a5 year old boy playing with a girl my own age like any normal boy would do. I was enjoying life in a world that I loved. I was happy, and completely oblivious of the fact that my future on this world would only turn to darkness and misery because of girls. This girl who was my friend, Maddy Humpreys, would eventually come to represent everything I hate and despise; everything that is against me, and everything that I’m against. I was playing innocently with this girl, in the manner that all children play. We even took baths together; it was the only time in my life that I would see a girl my age naked. When I think about the experiences I had during my friendship with her, it makes me think ominously of the fact that all children, boys and girls,start out the same. We all start out innocent, and we all start out  the same. We all start out innocent, and we all start out
together. Only through the experiences and circumstances of growing up do we drift apart, form allegiances, and face each other as enemies. That is when wars happen, and that is when the true nature of humanity rises to the surface. At this stage of my life, of course, my war hadn’t started yet, and it wouldn’t start for a long time. I was enjoying my life without a care in the world, not knowing that all of my joy is destined to turn to dust.My Kindergarten year at Farm School was filled with exciting, new experiences, all healthy for a growing boy. I had friends, I had play dates, I socialized with the other boys at school, despite getting into lots of conflicts with Joey. I only got into trouble once, over a quarrel with another boy during playtime, and I was sent to the principal’s office. Having never been in such trouble at school before, I recall being overcome with nervousness and fear, which caused me to cry for an hour. I especially enjoyed our arts and crafts time, and I loved it when our class would go on visits to the school’s farm.After a bright and joyous school year, it was time to graduate. I was swelled with pride as I wore my graduation cap at the ceremony. I loved that school very much, and I was sad to leave it. Kindergarten was over, and soon enough I would enter elementary school. My 6thbirthday soon followed. My parents arranged a Disney-themed party at a play center that my mother had been taking me to frequently. I invited everyone from my Farm School class,all the boys and the girls,except for Joey. I deliberately omitted Joey as an act of revenge for being mean to me throughout the year, and I felt a sense of satisfaction in doing so. The party was cheerful,and there was a man dressed as Merlin to host the festivities. I sat at the end of the table during my birthday meal, wearing a wizard hat. As my cake was presented to me, I felt only elation and glee as I took in a breath and blew out my candles. Life was good.6 Years Old My favorite part of the day during this jubilant period of my life was our afternoon trips to the park. Specifically, Serrania Park.This park was beautiful and green, with concrete pathways cutting through fields of grass and a fun playground for us kids to play in. I always took to playing on the slides, and sometimes I would go on the swing, though my father had to push me. I remember getting jealous of other boys who were able to swing by themselves, boys who were even younger than myself. It was the second time I realized my lack of physical capability. The first time I had such an inkling of my shortcomings were those disastrous football sessions at Dorsett House.Eventually, my father got around to teaching me how to swing by myself, and after some practice, I was able to do it. After that, I would always soar up and down on that swing in the Serrania park playground well into the hour of twilight.I was very small and short statured for my age. I never gave this much concern during my early childhood, but this fact fully dawned on me the day my family took a trip to Universal Studios. At the time, I loved dinosaurs. I was fascinated by them. I had just recently watched the movie Jurassic Park, and when I found out that there was a Jurassic Park themed ride at Universal Studios, I couldn’t wait to go on it. We queued up in the line and waited for an hour. When reached the front, the park staff presented me with a measuring stick, and I didn’t fit the requirements. I saw other boys my age admitted onto the ride, bu tI was denied because I was too short! The ride that I was so excited to enjoy at the theme park was forbidden to me. I immediately fell into a crying tantrum, and my mother had to comfort me.Being denied entry on a simple amusement park ride due to my height may seem like only a small injustice, but it was big for me at time. Little did I know, this injustice was very small indeed compared to all the things I’ll be denied in the future because of my height.

== [[:Category:Levels designed by Jeffrey Bardon|Levels in official packs]] ==
== [[:Category:Levels designed by Jeffrey Bardon|Levels in official packs]] ==
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=== [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 5|CCLP5]] ===
== Level designing ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
Jeffrey's penis was small and simple, most notably from this period was ''25 levels.dat'', which was LP'd by [[Elliot Rodger]]. This was one of the factors that re-piqued Jeffrey's interest in Chip's Challenge, alongside [[James Anderson]] starting an LP of his next set: ''Ultimate Chip.dat''. This 150 level set is still available on [[David Stolp]]'s site, though Jeffrey admits many of the levels are lackluster and abuse [[invalid tile]]s. Immediately after releasing this set, he began work on what would be "the most epic CC set ever", a 999 level epic ''Ultimate Chip 2''. None of these levels were very good either, and the file was lost to a [[nigger]] bug.
! # !! Name
Around 1984 Jeffrey began work on a true sequel, the real ''Ultimate Chip 2'', and got about halfway to 149 levels before taking a large interest in Touhou and speedrunning: 2 hobbies that had a large impact on both his level design and playstyle. On his return to the community in 2014, he spent the next 2 months finishing the set and released it onto CCZone. In hindsight, it falls into many of the traps of [[Suicide]] with overly convoluted puzzles and arduous level design.
| 3 || [[Paparazzi]]
| 4 || [[Key Free]]
| 6 || [[Choice Tools]]
| 7 || [[Trading Post]]
| 10 || [[Ages Beyond]]
| 12 || [[Vault Line]]
| 14 || [[High Fidelity Flame]]
| 16 || [[Moving Day]]
| 21 || [[Slime Sliding]]
| 24 || [[Uphill Battle]]
| 26 || [[Deephaven]]
| 29 || [[Sandshaker]]
| 40 || [[Wealth and Corruption]]
| 45 || [[Insert Name Here Caverns]]
| 49 || [[The Sound of Silence]]
| 53 || [[Reproducing]]
| 56 || [[Smoke Inhalation]]
| 57 || [[Irradiated Radiator]]
| 66 || [[Tornado Alley]]
| 69 || [[Shady Oasis]]
| 74 || [[Dark Hollow]]
| 80 || [[Indigo Lagoon]]
| 83 || [[Polarity Isle]]
| 85 || [[Sokoban Adventure]]
| 86 || [[Phantasmal Stalkers]]
| 89 || [[Hacking to the Gate]]
| 90 || [[Decrepit Crypt]]
| 96 || [[Sour Apple Cider]]
| 99 || [[Cosmic Express]]
| 103 || [[Illicit Logging Facility]]
| 108 || [[Brown Note]]
| 110 || [[Another Perspective]]
| 121 || [[Lockjaw]]
| 125 || [[Holiday Spirits]]
| 127 || [[Wastelands of Tabora]]
| 128 || [[Fahrenheit Frenzy]]
| 132 || [[Prism Concerto]]
| 136 || [[Molten Crater]]
| 141 || [[World Revolution]]

=== [[Chip's Challenge 2 Level Pack 1|CC2LP1]]===
This was meant to be Jeffrey's final large set, due to a lack of ideas, but the release and subsequent blind race of CCLP1 inspired him, and he began work on what would originally be a 50 level set, ''IOJCSDOCJOIDCJDSIOVJSDIODSJVOIVDJVDIOJDOIVDSJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ''. However, 50 levels were reached much sooner than expected, and as he was not out of ideas, the set expanded into another full 149 level set, slated to be released in October 2014. Jeffrey also has a ruleset-specific set called ''Ultimate Chip i^e'' available on pieguy's site, taking the role of the traditional rejects set.
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! # !! Name
| 9 || [[What's a Girl to Do?]]
| 12 || [[Spreading Like Wildfire]]
| 13 || [[Temporary Housing]]
| 14 || [[Getting Off Track]]
| 16 || [[A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity]]
| 19 || [[Restricted Areas]]
| 22 || [[Wire You Doing This]]
| 23 || [[Trans-Pachipic Partnership]]
| 25 || [[Solitary Alignment]]
| 27 || [[Dropping In]]
| 31 || [[A Helping Hand]]
| 33 || [[Trial by Fire]]
| 35 || [[Bowling in the Sewer]]
| 37 || [[Haunted Swamp]]
| 42 || [[Mellow Yellow, Hello]]
| 44 || [[Caught Flatfooted]]
| 45 || [[Settlement of Arrakis]]
| 56 || [[Asceticism]]
| 60 || [[Green Thumb]]
| 65 || [[Left Behind Again]]
| 71 || [[Hyacinth]]
| 76 || [[Three Mile Island]]
| 94 || [[Various Hues of Blue]]
| 96 || [[Sentinel Beach]]
| 99 || [[Delirium]]
| 104 || [[Filled Out in Triplicate]]
| 111 || [[Ruin Rush]]
| 114 || [[Pairing Off]]
| 117 || [[Get Your Hands Dirty]]
| 127 || [[One Good Turn]]
| 168 || [[Aquatos Sewer System]]
| 173 || [[Tiny Isle Reshuffled]]
| 175 || [[Mobile Cannon Mr. McCallahan]]
| 177 || [[The Wrong Direction]]
| 179 || [[Oversaturated Contrast]]
| 183 || [[Triple Threat]]
| 185 || [[Bigger Boulder Alley]]
| 196 || [[The Girl Who Was Left Behind]]

== Level designing ==
The second half of 2014 saw the creation and releasDFBFDBDBGSBGNGAB Fe of ''Ultimate Chip 4''. Regarded to be Jeffrey'T5Y6U7JMNHBGFDEs best set, it focused more on inBFBFterestinBDBFg and fun concepts, as weDll asBd gameplay throughout, resulting in aGHJNB VFRGTHn YNGT567Uexperience very similar to CCLP1. Many levBFTYUKILKYJTHRGEFWDels in this set drew inspiration from other levelsBFnd even otherBDames, mostly from the Playstation 1. In 2015, JeffWER4T56YTrey began work on ''Ultimate Chip 5'', and releasedBFBFthe FBF0 levels it contained BFen [[Chip'BFs Challenge 2]] was released on Steam. From December 2015 through mid February of DFBGVCXS2016, Jeffrey created another 69 levels and merged these into UC5, comDGBFHFVGBGFVRGBFGVGBe-ordering the set whil '' REUF409GREIUG409RIG09RI0934G''e doing so.
Jeffrey's first few sets were small and simple, most notably from this period was ''25 levels.dat'', which was LP'd by [[Rockdet]]. This was one of the factors that re-piqued Jeffrey's interest in Chip's Challenge, alongside [[James Anderson]] starting an LP of his next set: ''Ultimate Chip.dat''. This 150 level set is still available on [[David Stolp]]'s site, though Jeffrey admits many of the levels are lackluster and abuse [[invalid tile]]s. Immediately after releasing this set, he began work on what would be "the most epic CC set ever", a 999 level epic ''Ultimate Chip 2''. None of these levels were very good either, and the file was lost to a [[CCEdit]] bug.

Around 2010 Jeffrey began work on a true sequel, the real ''Ultimate Chip 2'', and got about halfway to 149 levels before taking a large interest in Touhou and speedrunning: 2 hobbies that had a large impact on both his level design and playstyle. On his return to the community in 2014, he spent the next 2 months finishing the set and released it onto CCZone. In hindsight, it falls into many of the traps of [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3|CCLP3]] with overly convoluted puzzles and arduous level design.
Throughout the following year, Jeffrey was still [[Suicide]]

This was meant to be Jeffrey's final large set, due to a lack of ideas, but the release and subsequent blind race of CCLP1 inspired him, and he began work on what would originally be a 50 level set, ''Ultimate Chip 3''. However, 50 levels were reached much sooner than expected, and as he was not out of ideas, the set expanded into another full 149 level set, slated to be released in October 2014. Jeffrey also has a ruleset-specific set called ''Ultimate Chip i^e'' available on pieguy's site, taking the role of the traditional rejects set.
Afterwards, with [[CCCreator]], Jeffrey moved on to creating a CC2 set, called ''IHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1'' and released at 100 levels.

The second half of 2014 saw the creation and release of ''Ultimate Chip 4''. Regarded to be Jeffrey's best set, it focused more on interesting and fun concepts, as well as varied gameplay throughout, resulting in an experience very similar to CCLP1. Many levels in this set drew inspiration from other levels and even other games, mostly from the Playstation 1. In 2015, Jeffrey began work on ''Ultimate Chip 5'', and released the 80 levels it contained when [[Chip's Challenge 2]] was released on Steam. From December 2015 through mid February of 2016, Jeffrey created another 69 levels and merged these into UC5, completely re-ordering the set while doing so.
Jeffrey has said he will continue designing levels as long as he has ideas for them.

Throughout the following year, Jeffrey was still chipping away at level designing. These were mostly Create entries, Time Trial levels, and the occasional level based around a single idea that seemed interesting. These levels became ''Ultimate Chip 6'', which released with 60 levels. Then during August 2017 through March 2018, Jeffrey was hard at work overhauling CCLP4 into ''Walls of CCLP4'', his magnum opus and widely regarded as one of the best custom sets to date.
== Scores ==
The VIP club of the 21st century gold standard of murder. These 50 persons hold the highest number of kills by a single gunman. Every year, a new inductee vies for a place in the club and must oust one member. This constant struggle for membership guarantees a virtuous cycle of lulz that appears to have no end in sight.

Afterwards, with [[CCCreator]], Jeffrey moved on to creating a CC2 set, called ''IHNN1'' and released at 100 levels.
Please note that as of now, the club is comprised entirely of men, so if there's one glass ceiling that feminists should strive to break, it's this one.
1 MiniflagNorway.png Anders Behring Breivik6 15px 69 (67 by Breivik)4 110 (32 by Breivik) N 2011 ≤69.7%
2 MiniflagUSA.png Stephen Paddock 15px 60 867 (411 by Paddock) Y 2017 12.7%
3 MiniflagSKorea.png Woo Bum-kon6 15px 56 35 Y 1982 61.5%
4 MiniflagAustralia.png Brenton Tarrant 15px 51 49 (39 by Tarrant) N 2019 56.7%
5 MiniflagUSA.png Omar Mateen 49 53 N1 2016 48%
6 Tr.gif Abdulkadir Masharipov 39 79 N 2017 33.1%
7 Tunisia miniflag.png Seifeddine Rezgiui Yacoubi 38 39 N1 2015 49.4%
8 Democratic Republic of the Congo William Unek 36 30+ N1 1957 ≤54.5%
9 MiniflagAustralia.png Martin Bryant 35 23 N 1996 60.3%
10 MiniflagRussia.png Ahmed Ibragimov 35 20+ N2 1999 ≤63.6%
11 MiniflagUSA.png Cho Seung-Hui 32 23 (17 by Cho) Y 2007 65.3%
12 MiniflagThailand.png Jakrapanth Thomma 30 57 N1 2020 34.5%
13 MiniflagJapan.png Mutsuo Toi 30 3 Y 1938 90.9%
14 MiniflagIsrael.png Baruch Goldstein 29 125 N2 1994 18.8%
15 Flag of Colombia.png Campo Elías Delgado 29 12 N1 1986 70.7%
16 MiniflagChina.png Tian Mingjian 28 47 N1 1994 37.3%
17 MiniflagUSA.png Adam Lanza 27 2 Y 2012 93.1%
18 MiniflagUSA.png Devin Patrick Kelley 263 20 Y 2017 56.5%
19 MiniflagUganda.png Richard Komakech 26 13 N2 1994 66.7%
20 MiniflagUSA.png George Hennard 23 27 (19 by Hennard) Y 1991 54.8%
21 MiniflagUSA.png Patrick Crusius 23 23 N 2019 50%
22 MiniflagSudan.png Abbas al-Baqir Abbas 22-27 31 N1 2000 41.5-46.6%
23 MiniflagCanada.png Gabriel Wortman 22 2 N1 2020 91.7%
24 MiniflagYemen.png Unknown 22 ? N1 1994 ≤100%
25 MiniflagUSA.png James Huberty 213 19 N1 1984 52.5%
26 MiniflagUganda.png Unknown 21 ? Y 1983 ≤100%
27 MiniflagRussia.png Vladislav Roslyakov6 20 70 Y 2018 22.2%
28 MiniFlagFrance.png Giuseppe Marco Fieschi 18 22 N 1835 45%
29 MiniflagUSA.png Charles Whitman 173 31 N1 1966 35.4%
30 MiniflagUSA.png Nikolas Cruz 175 17 N 2018 50%
31 MiniflagUK.png Thomas Hamilton 17 15 Y 1996 53.1%
32 MiniflagRussia.png Peter Grachev 17 3 N 1925 85%
33 Laos Unknown 16 60 ? 1978 21.1%
34 MiniflagUK.png Michael Ryan 16 15 Y 1987 51.6%
35 MiniflagIndonesia.png Sanurip 16 11 N 1996 59.3%
36 MiniflagUSA.png Robert Bales 16 6 N 2012 72.7%
37 MiniflagUSA.png Ronald Simmons 16 4 N 1987 80%
38 MiniflagGermany.png Robert Steinhäuser 16 1 Y 2002 94.1%
39 MiniflagGermany.png Tim Kretschmer 15 9 Y 2009 62.5%
40 MiniFlagFrance.png Abd el Maleck 15 9 N 1945 62.5%
41 MiniFlagFrance.png Christian Dornier 15 7 N 1989 68.2%
42 MiniFlagFrance.png Éric Borel 15 4 Y 1995 78.9%
43 MiniflagChina.png Taian Gong 15 (12 by Gong)4 0 N 1999 125%
44 MiniflagRussia.png Vladislav Chelah 15 0 N 2012 100%
45 MiniflagAfghanistan.png Mohammad Zaman 15-16 ? Y 2009 ≤100%
46 MiniflagEgypt.png Omar Abdul Razeq Abdullah Rifai 15 ? N1 2013 ≤100%
47 Rwanda Unknown 14-17 19 Y 1995 42.4% - 47.2%
48 MiniSwitzerlandflag.png Friedrich Leibacher 14 18 Y 2001 43.8%
49 MiniflagCanada.png Marc Lépine 145 14 Y 1989 50%
50 MiniflagIran.png Siavash Rahmani-Aqdam 14 11 N1 1998 56%

WoCCLP4 was originally intended as his final CC1 set, but from November 2018 to October 2021 Jeffrey secretly worked with [[Josh Lee]] to create a collaborative CC1 set, titled ''TradingPlaces'', where both designers created 75 levels using wall templates from each others sets (Josh using UC6 and 3 each from UC1-5, and Jeffrey using JoshL7 and 1 level each from JoshL1-6, except Flareon Remastered). A trailer for this set can be found [ here] and a download link can be found [ here].
Teamwork, fuck yeah! These death squads send a positive message that collaboration, communication, and cooperation are key components in any group-oriented mission.
1 MiniflagRussia.png Team Riyad-us Saliheen 385+ 783 N3 2004 ≥33.0%
2 MiniflagEgypt.png Team IS 311 122+ N 2017 ≤71.8%
3 Indiaminiflag.gif Team Lashkar-e-Taiba 175 600+ N4 2008 ≤22.6%
4 MiniFlagFrance.png Team IS 130 368 Y 2015 26.1%
5 Somalia.jpg Team Al-Shabaab 67 175 N 2013 27.7%
6 MiniflagMexico.jpg Team Los Zetas 53 10 N 2011 84.1%
7 MiniflagChina.png Jiang Liming, Feng Wanhai 32 16 Y,N 1995 66.7%
8 MiniflagEgypt.png Team IS 28 22 N 2017 56%
9 Tunisia miniflag.png Disputed between Team IS and Al Qaeda 22 42 N1 2017 34.4%
10 MiniflagUSA.png John Allen Muhammad, Lee Boyd Malvo 17 10 N2, N 2002 63.0%
11 MiniflagUSA.png Team San Bernardino 14 17 N1,N1 2015 45.2%
12 MiniflagMexico.jpg Team Barrio Azteca 14 8 N 2017 63.6%
13 MiniflagUSA.png Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold 13 24 Y,Y 1999 35.1%
14 MiniflagRussia.png Victor Korshunov, Yuri Surovtsev 13 11 N, N 1968 52.6%
15 MiniflagUSA.png Bonnie & Clyde 13 0 N10,N10 1931 - 1934 100%
16 MiniFlagFrance.png Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi (Team IS) 12 11 N1,N1 2015 52.2%
17 MiniflagGermany.png Team Black September 12 0 N 1972 100%
18 MiniflagJapan.png Kumatarō Kido, Yagorō Tani 11 0 Y,Y 1893 100%
19 MiniflagMexico.jpg Unknown 11 0 N 2017 100%
20 MiniflagUSA.png Charles Starkweather, Caril Ann Fugate 11 0 N,N 1957-1958 100%
21 MiniflagSpain.png Antonio Izquierdo, Emilio Izquierdo 9 12 N,N 1990 42.9%
22 MiniflagUK.png Khuram Shazad Butt, Rachid Redouane, Youssef Zaghba 8 47 N,N,N 2017 14.5%
23 MiniflagBrazil.png Guilherme Taucci Monteiro, Luiz Henrique de Castro 8 11 Y, Y 2019 42.1%
24 MiniflagUSA.png John Michael Legg, Frederic Rogers 7 0 N,N 2020 100%
25 MiniflagUSA.png Mitchell Johnson, Andrew Golden 5 10 N,N 1998 33.3%
26 MiniflagUSA.png William Matix, Michael Platt 5 6 N,N 1985-1986 45%
27 Link=America David Anderson, Francine Graham (Team Black Hebrew Israelite) 5 3 N1, N1 2019 62.5%
28 MiniflagEgypt.png Unknown 5 0 N,N 2017 100%
29 MiniflagIndonesia.png Team IS 4 24 Y 2016 14.3%
30 MiniflagRussia.png Aleksandr Zhidkov, Michael Veretel'nik 4 14 N,N11 1975 28.5
31 MiniflagUSA.png Jack Twinning, Bobby Davis 4 0 Y, Y12 1988 100%
32 MiniflagPoland.png Stanisław Ławrynowicz, Janusz Obrąpalski 3 10 Y,Y 1925 30%
33 MiniflagGermany.png Dieter Degowski, Hans-Jürgen Rösner 3 5 N,N 1988 60%
34 MiniflagUK.png Robert Mone, Thomas McCulloch 35 0 N,N 1976 100%
35 MiniflagUSA.png Jerad Miller, Amanda Miller 3 0 N (Cops beat him to it),Y 2014 100%
36 MiniflagCanada.png Kam McLeod, Bryer Schmegelsky 3 0 Y, Y 2019 100%
37 MiniflagAustria.gif Two Unknown Soldiers 2 19 N, N 1948 1.5%
38 MiniflagUSA.png Larry Eugene Phillips, Emil Mătăsăreanu 1 21 Y, N 1995-1997 0.4%
39 MiniflagUSA.png Team Norco 1 11 N, Y, N, N, N 1980 0.9%
40 Miniflag Belgium.png Kevin Lapeire, Dietwin Hægeman 1 36 N,N7 2018 25%
99999 MiniflagUSA.png Team Furfag 3 0 N8 2016 50%9
100000 MiniflagBrazil.png Team Medianeira 0 2 N,N 2018 5%

Jeffrey has said he will continue designing levels as long as he has ideas for them.
Proof that "basement dweller" is not necessarily an insult, especially if they're making bombs inside them. Whether it's for religious vocation or political activism, these guys figured out how to get the biggest bang for their buck.
1 Somalia.jpg Team Al-Shabaab 587+ 316 N 2017 ≥65.0%
2 MiniflagCanada.png Team Babbar Khalsa 329 0 N 1985 100%
3 MiniflagUkraine.png Team Autistic Slavs 298 0 N 2014 100%
4 MiniflagUK.png Team Gaddafi 270 0 N 1988 100%
5 Miniflag Sri Lanka.jpg National Thowheeth Jama'ath, Team IS 258 500+ Y 2019 ≤34.0%
6 MiniflagIndonesia.png Jemaah Islamiyah members, Team Al Qaeda 202 209 Y 2002 49.1%
7 MiniflagSpain.png Team Al Qaeda 192 2050 Y 2004 9%
8 MiniflagUSA.png Timothy McVeigh 168 680+ N1 1995 ≤19.8%
9 MiniflagChina.png Jin Ruchao 108 38 N 2001 74.0%
10 Palestine Yahya Ayyash 101 338 N2 1993-1996 23.0%
11 Somalia.jpg Team Al-Shabaab 100 110+ Y 2011 ≤47.6%
12 MiniArgentinaflag.png Team Hezbollah 85 300 Y 1994 22.1%
13 MiniflagAfghanistan.png Team IS 80 260 N 2016 23.5%
14 MiniflagUK.png Hasib Hussain, Mohammad Khan, Germaine Lindsay, Shehzad Tanweer 56 700 Y 2005 7.4%
15 MiniflagEgypt.png Team IS 45 126 Y 2017 26.3%
16 MiniflagUSA.png Andrew Kehoe 44 58 Y 1927 43.1%
17 MiniflagUSA.png Jack Gilbert Graham 44 0 N 1955 100%
18 Tr.gif Team IS 43 230 Y 2016 15.8%
19 Miniflag Belgium.png Team IS 31 260 Y 2016 10.7%
20 MiniflagChina.png Gao Haiping 31 127 Y 1981 19.6%
21 MiniflagEgypt.png Team IS 29 47 Y 2016 38.2%
22 MiniflagUK.png Salman Ramadan Abedi 23 250 Y 2017 8.4%
23 MiniflagUSA.png John McNamara & James McNamara 20 100+ N 1910 ≤16.7%
24 MiniflagRussia.png Akbarzhon Jalilov 15 64 N 2017 19%
25 MiniflagGermany.png Gundolf Köhler 12 211 N3 1980 5.4%
26 MiniflagJapan.png Team East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front 8 376 N 1974 2.1%
27 MiniflagNorway.png Anders Behring Breivik 8 209+ N 2011 ≤3.7%
28 MiniflagRussia.png Ilya Galkin, Mikhail Denisenko 8 46 N 2008-2009 5.7%
29 MiniflagEstonia.png Märt Ringmaa 7 6 N 1995-2005 55%
30 MiniflagUSA.png Ramzi Yousef 6 1042 N 1993 0.6%
31 MiniflagFinland.png Petri Erkki Tapio Gerdt 6 166 Y 2002 3.5%
32 MiniflagUSA.png Paul Harold Orgeron 5 18 Y 1959 21.7%
33 MiniflagUSA.png Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 4 2644 N 2013 1.5%
34 MiniflagUK.png David Copeland 3 140 N 1999 2.1%
35 MiniflagUSA.png Eric Rudolph 37 120 N 1996-1998 2.4%
36 MiniflagUSA.png Unabomber 3 23 N 1978-1995 11.5%
37 MiniflagPhilippines.png Rodolfo Garcia 2 11 N 1969 5.5%
38 MiniflagBolivia.png Triston Jay Amero 2 7 N 2006 20%
39 MiniflagUSA.png Mark Anthony Conditt 2 6 Y 2018 25%
40 MiniflagUSA.png Ahmad Khan Rahami 0 29 N 2016 0%
415 MiniflagUK.png Ahmed Hassan 0 31 N 2017 0%
42 MiniflagUSA.png George Metesky 0 15 N 1940-1956 0%
43 MiniflagFinland.png Anonymous 0 7 Y 1999 0%
44 MiniflagUSA.png Luke Helder 0 6 N 2002 0%
45 MiniflagDenmark.png Allan Steen Kristensen 0 5 N 1977-1978 0%
46 MiniflagUSA.png Akayed Ullah 0 3 N6 2017 0%
47 MiniflagUSA.png Cole Carini 0 18 N 2020 0%
99999 MiniflagUSA.png Cesar Sayoc 0 0 N 2018 -100%

== Scores ==
The human desire to soar the skies blue has been present in all of recorded history. So has the desire to pwn others. These daring aces have ingeniously combined the two.
All of the following scores are for the [[MS ruleset]]; Jeffrey does not optimize in [[Lynx ruleset|Lynx]] nearly as often, though still has on occasion.
{| class="wikitable"
1 MiniflagAlQaeda.png (((Al-Qaeda))) 2,977 6,000+ Y 2001 33.2%
! [[Level set|Set]] !! Score !! Place
2 MiniflagEgypt.png Gameel Al-Batouti5 216 0 Y 1999 100%
3 MiniflagGermany.png Andreas Lubitz1 150 0 Y 2015 100%
| style="text-align:center"|[[Chip's Challenge 1|CC1]] || 5,977,700 || 2nd
4 MiniflagChina.png Jiang Xiaofeng 127 53 Y 1990 70.6%
5 MiniflagIndonesia.png Tsu Way Ming5 103 0 Y 1997 100%
| [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1|CCLP1]] || 6,006,070 || 3rd
6 MiniflagPoland.png Arkadiusz Protasiuk 96 0 N 2010 100%
7 Vn.gif Le Duc Tan 74 0 Y 1974 100%
| [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 2|CCLP2]] || 6,050,970 || 3rd
8 MiniflagUSA.png Francisco Paula Gonzales 44 0 Y 1964 100%
9 MiniFlagMorocco.png Younes Khayati5 43 0 Y 1994 100%
| [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 3|CCLP3]] || 6,072,120 || 11th
10 MiniflagUSA.png David Burke 42 0 Y 1987 100%
11 MiniFlagNamibia.png Herminio dos Santos Fernandes 32 0 Y 2013 100%
| [[Chip's Challenge Level Pack 4|CCLP4]] || 6,111,420 || 2nd
12 MiniflagJapan.png Seiji Katagiri 24 141 N4 1982 14.5%
13 MiniflagBrazil.png Mauro Milhomem 6 4 Y 1980 60%
14 MiniflagRussia.png Vladimir Serkov 4 6 Y 1976 40%
15 MiniflagAustralia.png Colin Forman 4 4 Y 1977 50%
16 MiniflagUSA.png Joe Stack 1 13 Y 2010 7.1%
17 MiniflagAustralia.png David Mark Robinson 0 3 N 2003 0%
18 MiniflagUSA.png Charles Bishop 0 0 Y 2002 0%
19 MiniflagUSA.png Frank Eugene Corder2 0 0 Y 1994 0%
20 MiniflagUSA.png Auburn Calloway3 0 4 N 1994 0%
21 MiniflagUSA.png Richard Russel 0 0 Y 2018 0%

Jeffrey has relatively few non-CCLP4 records to his name, due to joining optimization so late, but has still managed to find additional seconds on a few levels, such as the first report of 231 Lynx on [[Mini Pyramid]] and finding the Lynx-only minor bust in [[Metal Harbor]], extending its record from 775 to 787, and later 790, though the [[Bold time|bold]] currently stands at 792. In MS, he scored the first 236 on Mini Pyramid and 849 on [[Time Suspension]], although the bold time currently stands at 851. He also worked with [[J.B. Lewis]] on [[Mediterranean]], extending its record from 489 all the way to 498, further to 504, and then a final time to 506 on his own, as well as improving the [[Cityblock]] bold by a single second, from 549 to 550.
Jeffrey has relatively few non-CCLP4 records to his name, due to joining optimization so late, but has still managed to find additional seconds on a few levels, such as the first report of 231 Lynx on [[Mini Pyramid]] and finding the Lynx-only minor bust in [[Metal Harbor]], extending its record from 775 to 787, and later 790, though the [[Bold time|bold]] currently stands at 791. In MS, he scored the first 236 on Mini Pyramid and 849 on [[Time Suspension]], as well as worked with [[Al-Qaeda]] on [[September 11]], extending its record from 489 all the way to 2995, and annihilated the [[Cityblock]] by a single plane.

Additionally, on returning he set a goal to outscore J.B. Lewis on his first set, ''Ultimate Chip'', and optimized it over the course of a month. He currently stands 367 seconds ahead with 147/150 bolds, and says the experience has helped with block pushing techniques and familiarity with [[Teeth]] and [[Blob]] monsters.
Additionally, on returning he set a goal to outscore J.B. Lewis on his first set, ''Ultimate Chip'', and optimized it over the course of a month. He currently stands 261 seconds ahead with 144/150 bolds, and says the experience has helped with block pushing techniques and familiarity with [[Teeth]] and [[Blob]] monsters.

Through the end of 2018, Jeffrey invested a significant amount of time into cleaning up his CC1, CCLP1 and CCLP4 scores, tying James Anderson for 3rd with [[Skelzie]] in early 2019, attaining the All Known Bolds score on CCLP1 alongside a new record on [[Flame War]] in November 2018, and attaining the All Known Bolds score on CCLP4 on December 24, 2018 with improvements to [[Repugnant Nonsense]] and [[Duplex]], though this mark has since been surpassed.
Through the end of 2018, Jeffrey invested a significant amount of time into cleaning up his CC1, CCLP1 and CCLP4 scores, tying James Anderson for 3rd with [[Skelzie]] in early 2019, attaining the All Known Bolds score on CCLP1 alongside a new record on [[Flame War]] in November 2018, and attaining the All Known Bolds score on CCLP4 on December 24, 2018 with improvements to [[Repugnant Nonsense]] and [[Duplex]], though this mark has since been surpassed.

== External links ==
== External links ==
#[ 25 Levels]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip 2]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip 3 Trailer]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip 3]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip 4 Trailer]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip 4]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip 5]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip 6]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Walls of CCLP4]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Ultimate Chip i^e]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Rockdet's LP of 25 levels.dat]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
#[ Jeffrey's LP of Ultimate Chip.dat]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
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[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
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[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[|Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood]
[[Category:Black People]]
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