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Frost Swirl

Revision as of 02:06, 22 May 2019 by ReedemtheD3ad (talk | contribs) ((via JWB))
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[[Category:Error: no local variable "LEVELSET" has been set. Levels]]

[[Category:Levels designed by Error: no local variable "DESIGNER" has been set.]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_CASUAL" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_EXEC" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_ROUTE" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "MS_LUCK" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_CASUAL" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_EXEC" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_ROUTE" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "LYNX_LUCK" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_CASUAL" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_EXEC" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_ROUTE" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_LUCK" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_CASUAL" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_EXEC" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_ROUTE" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold luck rating Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_LUCK" has been set. (Steam Score)]]

Frost Swirl is the 80th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 2. A quite simple level, Frost Swirl is made up of a four-sectioned ice track around the level, with each ball occupying its own section, and with 3 different-colored locks on each one, each having a key and chip behind them.

Start with the red key on the right, then move west and open the red lock, north and open that red lock, back west and open a yellow lock, then south and open yellow and blue locks, east and open a blue lock, back south and open a red lock, west and a blue lock, north and open blue and yellow locks, then east and open the yellow and red locks to collect all the chips. Now, return to the south and exit.

This will be broken up only by the sliding pink balls; it's easy to wait for them as shown.

Fix for Lynx

In Lynx, the gravel buried under locks render Frost Swirl unplayable. For CCLXP2, the lock and key were moved one tile back and the chips were moved to the side of the keys rather than behind them, since touching the edge of the map can kill the player in pedantic mode of Tile World Lynx.

Full level map

Cclp2 full map level 80.png


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