Error while fetching data from URL $2.
Error fetching URL: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 0 Error
Could not get URL after 3 tries.
So this is the damn level 33 of set 0!
- Title: Error: no local variable "NAME" has been set.
- Designer: Error: no local variable "DESIGNER" has been set.
- MS Bold: Error: no local variable "MS_BOLD" has been set.
- Lynx Bold: Error: no local variable "LYNX_BOLD" has been set.
- Steam Bold: Error: no local variable "STEAM_BOLD" has been set.
- MS Skill: Error: no local variable "MS_SKILL" has been set.
- MS Luck: Error: no local variable "MS_LUCK" has been set.
- Lynx Skill: Error: no local variable "LYNX_SKILL" has been set.
- Lynx Luck: Error: no local variable "LYNX_LUCK" has been set.