

About meEdit

Hey, I'm Ben Hornlitz.

I've been playing Chip's Challenge ever since Kindergarten, and finally after 9 or so years, I finally completed my first set: CCLP3. Mainly over the past 8 or so years I've been making levels. My first set is done, and can be found at Pieguy's site. My second is unfinished, and the most recent version can be found at CCZone. Also, I released a Lynx version of BHLS1 on CCZone.

I have beaten all 3 official sets, and I've beated CCLP3 in lynx too.

I'm currently 6th in CCLP3 (MS), 2nd in CCLP3 (Lynx), 31st in CCLP2, and 53rd in CC1.

Those shall improve though.