
< User:G-lander
Revision as of 10:26, 29 May 2021 by G-lander (talk | contribs) (Update the spec)
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NCCS (extension being .ncss) is the file format used for storing NotCC level scores and solutions, similar to the TWS file format.

The file is a binary file consisting of several sections one after the other, terminated by the END section. Each section begins with a section header, which is followed by the section's data.

All data in the file is little-endian.


Section headerEdit

Bytes Content
4 Four character code identifying the section, see table below. Codes shorter than 4 characters (such as "END") are padded with spaces (making "END " in this case).
4 The length of the section's data

Section typesEdit

Section ID Content Type Content
NCCS Null-terminated string The file's version. The latest version is "0.2".
FILE Null-terminated string The level's (or level set's) file name
TYPE Null-terminated string Usually the name of the levelset. For the base CC2 set it's "Chips Challenge 2". If the level does not have a proper set name (eg. DATs, C2Ms outside of sets), excluded.
NAME Null-terminated string The level's title, excluded if the level has no title.
MISC 100 bytes Level miscellaneous data. The format is identical to the format of the SAVE section in C2H files.
SLN /PSLN See SLN section below The recorded level solution. The PSLN section is compressed, the SLN section is not.
STAT See STAT section below The state for some level variables
END No content (length is 0) Signifies end of file

Section packingEdit

"PSLN" sections are packed via the same packing algorithm as C2M.

SLN SectionEdit

The SLN section stores the solution for the specified level. It is similar to the REPL section of C2M files, but they are not the same.

The contents of this section are as follows:

Bytes Content
1 The number of the player
Varies A sequence of input changes

Multiple SLN sections can be set for a single level for multiple players.

Input changeEdit

Specifies a change in input:

Bytes Content
1 An input bitmask specifying the new input
1 Number of frames this input is held for. Last input must have length 0xff, specifying infinite length. Otherwise <= 0xfc. Larger delays are specified via multiple input changes

Input bitmaskEdit

Specifies which keys are pressed, any number of bits can be combined:

Bitmask Meaning
0x1 Up
0x2 Right
0x4 Down
0x8 Left
0x10 Drop item
0x20 Cycle items
0x40 Switch player

STAT sectionEdit

The STAT section contains variables which are most likely to cause a change on the level outcome, contrary to some data in the MISC section, which can only be vital in obscure scenarios.

This section is made up of many sub-sections, each for a single variable, for extensibility.

A single subsection looks like this:

Bytes Content
1 The ID of the section
1 Length of the section, in bytes. (Multiple sub-sections should be used for larger data)
Varies The sub-section data itself

Here is a list of existing sub-section types:

ID Length Data description
0x01 1 Random force floor initial direction
0x02 1 Blob randomness seed