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Partial posting does not always apply using two blocks. It can be a block followed by any block-[[acting wall]], such as a normal [[wall]], a [[lock]], a [[computer chip]], [[dirt]], a closed [[toggle wall]], or very rarely, a passing [[monster]].
Partial posting does not always apply using two blocks. It can be a block followed by any block-[[acting wall]], such as a normal [[wall]], a [[lock]], a [[computer chip]], [[dirt]], a closed [[toggle wall]], or very rarely, a passing [[monster]].
== ''Abednego'' ==
A famous example of a partial post using a monster is the now-legendary level by [[Eric Schmidt]] named ''Abednego'', which is the third of three [[fire]] levels with the names of the Three Young Men from the Book of Daniel (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego).
At the start, Chip is forced to run away from a [[bug]] on top of a [[computer chip]] at [31, 0] and moves through several teleports to escape the fire areas. Hordes of [[monster]]s guard the other chips in the level, but to reach the chip at the start, Chip has to specifically move the single [[block]] in the level to coordinate [13, 5], and at the ''exact'' moment that a monster moves onto coordinate [13, 6], Chip has to teleport south from [21, 5] into [21, 6], and therefore move to [31, 1] and around to the last chip.
Since Chip is unable to see [13, 6] from [21, 5] and requires a ''minimum'' walk of [23], possibly more due to a random [[force floor]], to be able to see it - not to mention the difficulty of the rest of the level - the level is all but impossible and was never solved until it was fixed. The current version can be downloaded at [[David Stolp]]'s website.

== CCLP uses ==
== CCLP uses ==