Chip's Challenge Wiki:News
- Bitbusters Club is Open - the long awaited community hub for Chip's Challenge has finally been unveiled at!
- Migration away from Wikia - as of January 9, 2019, we are working to shift all maintenance efforts away from Wikia to this new space. Welcome!
- CC2LP1 Submission Opened - from October 31st 2018 until May 31st 2019 level submissions for CC2LP1 voting are open, submit here
- CCCreator beta has been released - the fifth level editor Chip's Challenge Creator, download here!
- The CCBC Discord is open The community Discord server for Chip's Challenge is now open publicly, join here!
- CCLP4 has been released - as of July 14, 2017, Chip's Challenge Level Pack 4 is available to download here!
- CC2 has been released - on May 28, 2015, after a sixteen year wait, Chip's Challenge 2 has finally been released on Steam! A re-release of Chip's Challenge 1 is also available on Steam.
- CCLP1 has been released - as of March 28, 2014, Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1 is available to download here!
- YouTube - Our ChipWiki YouTube account is here!