Block Party

Revision as of 02:03, 22 May 2019 by ReedemtheD3ad (talk | contribs) ((via JWB))

[[Category:Error: no local variable "LEVELSET" has been set. Levels]]

[[Category:Levels designed by Error: no local variable "DESIGNER" has been set.]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_CASUAL" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_EXEC" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_ROUTE" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "MS_LUCK" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_CASUAL" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_EXEC" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_ROUTE" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "LYNX_LUCK" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_CASUAL" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_EXEC" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_ROUTE" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_LUCK" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_CASUAL" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_EXEC" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_ROUTE" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold luck rating Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_LUCK" has been set. (Steam Score)]]

Block Party is the 4th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1, and the fourth of the lesson levels. In this level, the player will learn all about blocks and their various uses, such as being pushed into water to create dirt bridges or to blow up bombs.

Block Party is slightly more complicated than the previous three levels, but not by a particularly large margin. For the sake of being concise, here are a few areas of interest to acquire a 207:

  • In the red key section, push the bottom block into the second column of water first and then follow that up with the top block. Remember to clear the dirt before pushing the second block in!
  • To blow up the bombs, push the top block guarded by the red lock followed by the bottom block. When optimizing with blocks, the order in which you push the blocks is very important.
  • In the section with ice and force floors, you need to wait for the block to slide and then step off of the force floor sideways. This trick is better seen rather than explained; to learn how to do it, watch the AVI below.

The remainder of the level is mainly simply following the intended path. However, it is worth noting that you are not allowed to lose a single move when going for a 207; if you don't feel confident in your skill level, go for a 206 instead, as you are allowed to make far more mistakes and also don't have to sidestep so precisely off of the force floors, which can be somewhat difficult for a new player. For a veteran, however, 207 should be no problem, thus giving the level a difficulty rating of only 1.

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