
Revision as of 02:09, 22 May 2019 by ReedemtheD3ad (talk | contribs) ((via JWB))

[[Category:Error: no local variable "LEVELSET" has been set. Levels]]

[[Category:Levels designed by Error: no local variable "DESIGNER" has been set.]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_CASUAL" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_EXEC" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "MS_ROUTE" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "MS_LUCK" has been set. (MS)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_CASUAL" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_EXEC" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "LYNX_ROUTE" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "LYNX_LUCK" has been set. (Lynx)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_CASUAL" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_EXEC" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_ROUTE" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with luck rating Error: no local variable "STEAM_TIME_LUCK" has been set. (Steam)]] [[Category:Levels with casual difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_CASUAL" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold execution difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_EXEC" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold routing difficulty Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_ROUTE" has been set. (Steam score)]] [[Category:Levels with bold luck rating Error: no local variable "STEAM_SCORE_LUCK" has been set. (Steam Score)]]

Yorkhouse is the 139th level in Chip's Challenge 1. If you map the level out, it does indeed look like a castle with various "prisons" in it. This level is full of walkers trapped inside artificially created cells, which will be released when Chip takes the chips. Yorkhouse is not difficult, but tedious; there is plenty of wiggle room for Chip to move through if the walkers prove to be attacking him. All you must do is watch the road ahead.

The AVI walkthrough shows how to beat Yorkhouse in 79 seconds, which requires no pauses in collecting chips. The probability of success has been tentatively calculated to be about 10%, although the true probability is difficult to calculate.

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