
(Redirected from Dynamite explosion sneaking)

A glitch in Chip's Challenge is a fault in the program which is caused by a coding error. The majority of glitches occur in Microsoft's version of Chip's Challenge, and in Chip's Challenge 2. The MS emulation version of Tile World deliberately reproduces most MSCC glitches in order to maintain a fair basis for scorekeeping.

MS ruleset glitchesEdit


This glitch can cause Chip to move faster than usual after exiting a sliding tile.

Button SmashEdit

This glitch can prevent buttons from working when blocks are flicked onto them.

Controller and BossEdit

This glitch can sometimes prevent monsters from exiting traps, as well as prevent clone machines from working, or causing them to clone in an unexpected direction.


This glitch, involving blocks and teleports, can sometimes result in the creation of a second Chip in the level.


This glitch sometimes causes sliding blocks to go through ice corners.


This glitch sometimes causes tanks on top of clone machines to switch direction.

Mouse PanelEdit

This glitch allows Chip to ram or flick a block without stopping to move, when using the mouse.


This glitch occurs when there is no Chip on the map at the beginning of the level.

Slide DelayEdit

This glitch causes some slipping blocks or creatures to get moved twice while others do not move at all during a tick.

Advanced MS glitchesEdit

These glitches exist in MSCC but are are not correctly emulated by Tile World. They may, however, be added to Tile World in the future.


This acting wall looks like a North-facing bug over a white background. In Tile World, this tile is displayed like a regular wall.

Data resettingEdit

This glitch, responsible for many insane levels, relies on clone connections beyond the map to produce unexpected results.


This glitch, related to the Controller and Boss Glitch, sometimes causes monsters to move like a knight in chess.

Multiple TankEdit

This glitch, responsible for many insane levels, sometimes causes sliding tanks to create other tiles.

Tank TopEdit

This glitch sometimes causes tanks sliding onto tank buttons to turn in an unexpected direction.

Illegal MS glitchesEdit

These glitches are banned from competitive scoring, and are therefore excluded from Tile World.

Long First SecondEdit

This glitch sometimes causes a second in the in-game timer (not always the first) to be longer than usual, sometimes allowing higher scores.

Time DilationEdit

This glitch sometimes occurs after Chip dies using a mouse move.

Twice StepEdit

This glitch results in unusual timing of buffered mouse moves. The legality of this glitch is still disputed, but currently only certain aspects of this glitch are legal.

MSCC crashesEdit

These games, when triggered in Microsoft's version of Chip's Challenge, cause the game to crash. They are intentionally absent from Tile World.

Data SizeEdit

This glitch causes the game to crash due to running out of memory.


This glitch causes the game to crash when playing a set that does not have 144 or 149 levels.


This glitch causes the game to crash when Chip steps on two transparent tiles at once (usually a monster on top of a key).

Lynx glitchesEdit

The Lynx ruleset has relatively few glitches, and many of those that exist do not have wiki pages or even names yet.

According to the Tile World article: In 2015, new glitches in the original Atari Lynx version of Chip's Challenge were discovered, allowing Chip to pick up an item he starts on, and winning instantly if he starts on the exit, among others. As implementing these in the main Lynx ruleset would break several levels, these were added to pedantic Lynx only.

Failed MoveEdit

Official name pending. The Failed Move Glitch, often referred to informally as The Stupid Glitch, is not actually a glitch, but an exploit of the way Lynx processes movement. This term refers to a specific application in which a monster sees a direction as open, turns to face that direction, then finds that for whatever reason it is no longer able to enter the tile. The most notable cases of this are when a bug, paramecium, glider, or fireball turns around because a block just moved into a space beside it or a toggle wall changed from open to closed, whereas if the block were always there, or the toggle wall were always closed, the monster would choose a different direction. An example of this is in the public TWS for Stratagem.

Release DesynchronizationEdit

This glitch, also known as clone desynchronization due to the way it was discovered, causes some cloning streams to desynchronize over time when they would synchronize in MS.

Teleport StackingEdit

Official name pending. Some of this behavior is demonstrated here.

Chip's Challenge 2Edit

While Chip's Challenge 2 is coded much more professionally than MSCC, it has its fair share of bugs and bizarre behaviors as well. Most of these behaviors do not have wiki pages yet.

Despawning and RespawningEdit

This glitch allows entities to "disappear," remaining invisible and intangible while still occupying a physical location. These entities can reappear later, even after the level resets or changes. The usage of this glitch to move entities between levels is banned in optimization.

Explosion SneakingEdit

This glitch allows movable objects within the explosion radius of a time bomb to escape unharmed if moving at the precise tick of the explosion. The Chip and Melinda variant is banned in optimization, but the monster variant remains legal.

Item BestowalEdit

This glitch makes it possible for monsters to pick up items when they normally should not be able to.

Monster HookingEdit

When an entity with a hook attempts to move away from another moving entity, the hook will attempt and fail to pull that entity. For the player, this often results in death, as their inability to move allows the other entity to collide with them.


This glitch makes it possible to override force floors in directions that would normally be impossible. A demonstration can be found here.

Simultaneous Character MovementEdit

By switching between playable characters at high speed in-between tiles, it can be possible to essentially move several characters at once. This glitch is banned in optimization.

Spring miningEdit

This glitch lets Chip (or other monsters that can push) move onto a tile with a block when pushing the block, in cases where they would normally stay behind while the block moves forward. The glitch is named after the level Spring Mines, in which it can easily be triggered.